
Why is a Title Search Important?

When you purchase or sell a property, it is crucial to conduct a title search in the preliminary stage. If you are a seller, while conducting a title search you may discover that you don’t even possess the right to sell whereas if you are a buyer, you may uncover that the property is under debt and that it will hamper your interests.

A title search is a huge responsibility. You will have to scrutinize numerous documents, deeds, contracts, unearth whether the property is debt-free, etc. You can always hire a lawyer for conducting a title search in Boca Raton.

But before that, you need to understand the necessity of conducting a title search. Reasons are listed as follows:

  • As a buyer, it will help that you cross-check whether the sellers have the claim to the property or not. You will be able to maintain a record of numerous people who have had the claim to property in the past. If the property has been sold multiple times within a limited span, it may set off warning bells.
  • You will get an insight into the easements on the property. You would want to unearth if your neighboring houses can lay claim to using your parking space, the pathway to your house, etc. to avert any such issues in the future.
  • A title search will help you ascertain if the house has any bylaws registered to it. If it does, you may not possess the right to renovate the property, lease out your property, use the property for commercial purposes, etc.

To avoid any such contingencies at a later stage, it becomes imperative to conduct a title search. If you are looking for a lawyer to conduct a title search in Boca Raton, reach out to us. We at Capital Abstract & Title specialize in conducting title searches for our clientele. Entrust us with the task and put all your worries to rest.