Month: September 2019

Why You Need Title Insurance

Buying a property is an expensive business. In most cases it means the investment of one’s entire savings with an additional loan in the future. Buying insurance from a Parkland title insurance company, especially if you are not very clear about why you should buy it in the first place is crucial.

What is title insurance?

A title is equivalent to your ownership of the property. Any fault in the title can jeopardize your ownership and with it, your entire investment. Title insurance protects you against any losses that arise from a fault in the title of the property. Unlike most other insurances that protect you against an accident in the future, title insurance protects you against something which has already happened.

If it has already happened, why should you bother about insurance? Here’s why:

Title search: You can do a title search by checking with the recorder of deeds on your own but this is far from enough. Mistakes can and do happen. There are a number of cases where a deed was not recorded or there was a fault in the record. There could also be outstanding debts or liens against this property. Most of us simply do not have the resources to do a thorough title search. A title insurance company, on the other hand, does have these resources and will always carry out a comprehensive title search before issuing the insurance.

Recover your losses: What happens if a fault in the title appears despite due diligence? Your focus must then shift to ensure that your losses are minimized. A title insurance becomes critical in this case.

Lender’s condition: Any threat to your ownership also risks a lender’s investment in the property. Many lenders make insurance from a reliable Parkland title insurance company part of their lending conditions.

4 Factors to Consider Before Hiring a Real Estate Lawyer

Whether you are buying or selling a house, hiring a real estate lawyer Coral Springs is highly recommended. Legal advice is particularly handy when dealing with a thorny transaction, such as disposing off a marital property as part of a divorce settlement or dealing with a disputed property. But before you hire a lawyer, here are a few factors you must consider:

Experience: This is one of the most critical factors while hiring a lawyer. An experienced lawyer knows the nuances of legal transactions, the problems that can crop up and how these can be resolved. Experience is even more important when dealing with complicated property deals. An experienced lawyer will have the confidence and the ability to handle tricky negotiations or cases. However, a relatively less experienced lawyer may cost you less should be considered when it is a fairly straightforward deal.

Specialization: Always make sure that your lawyer has the right specialization. This will depend on your own requirements. If you are dealing with commercial property, make sure your lawyer specializes in commercial transactions. Ask the lawyer if they have dealt with similar cases.

Services: Check what services the real estate lawyer Coral Springs is offering. Does it include closing and escrow services? Some firms also offer related services like title search and title insurance. All these additional services can be very useful and help you get a complete package at one place.

Cost: This could be the critical factor. Before you start comparing the fee from different firms, do find out everything that is included in the fee. Does it include closing services? Will you be paying by hour or as required? Can you get a deal if you opt for additional services? If you are dealing with a complicated transaction, such as a disputed property, you may have to pay more. Do keep in mind that a good real estate lawyer Coral Springs is worth every penny!

Property Closing — A Checklist for Buyers

The closing is the final and most anticipated step in a real estate transaction. It is important that the proper process is maintained and to that end, you can hire closing services Coral Springs to ensure that all requirements are met, and the closing goes smoothly. This will include:

Before the closing:

Once the contract is signed you can carry out different inspections to verify the state of the property. Closing services in Coral Springs will take care of the complete process. This will include the property inspection, termite inspection, and other checks you may want to carry out.

The signed contract is sent to the loan provider for approval. After the inspections are carried out, your closing agent will give both you and the seller a list of recommended repairs. At this point further negotiations may take place and financing is secured from the lender. Following this, your closing agent will:

  • Contact lender and seller to ensure the closing date is on schedule.
  • Set up a homeowner’s policy to be effective at the date of closing.
  • Arrange for utilities to be transferred into your name.
  • Order a title search to reveal any previous debts, liens or claims against the property.
  • Arrange for title insurance to protect you against losses arising out of any threats to the title.
  • Get a HUD 1 Settlement Agreement. Check all paperwork and make sure all closing documents are in order.
  • Verify that all necessary repairs have been made.
  • Make arranges for the final physical inspection, usually referred to as a “walk through, just before the closing.
  • On the day of closing, the agent from closing services Coral Springs will ensure that you have all relevant documents and will accompany you to make sure that the final hand over goes smoothly.

Infographic: Why You Should Buy Title Insurance

This infographic titled ‘Benefits of Title Insurance’ lists the benefits of buying title insurance for both the property purchaser and the mortgage lender. A property title is proof of the land’s ownership. Title insurance is meant to protect the property owner against any loss due to a claim on the property.

Benefits for the purchaser

Personal protection: Title insurance provides protection against loss to the property owner in case of property title fraud. Any threat to the property title will jeopardize the investment in the property.

Group protection: If the land was bought for a commercial purpose any threats to the property title will affect the purchasing company. Commercial properties are typically quite expensive and the financial ramifications to investors could be considerable.

Protection for heirs: Title insurance also protects future generations for as long as they hold the property and even after it’s sold by a warranty deed.

Benefits for mortgage lenders

Protection against financial loss: A mortgage lender’s return depends on the property owner’s ability to pay back the loan. A financial loss to the purchaser will directly affect the owner’s ability to pay back the mortgage, resulting in loss of investment.

Protection for investors: Any threats to the title ownership also threaten the interests of the mortgage lender’s investors.

Protection for the life of the loan: Title insurance protects the lender as long as the mortgage remains unsatisfied.

For more information, please refer to the infographic below.

Title Insurance — What it is & Why You need it

One of the terms you will hear often when you are buying a property is title and title insurance. A property title is the proof of your ownership. When the ownership of a property is transferred, a record of transfer of title is recorded in the public records. You can buy a title insurance from a Parkland title insurance company to protect yourself against any threats to the property title.

What is title insurance?

Title insurance is a type of indemnity insurance. It protects you against any financial loss that arises out of defects in the title of the property Title insurance will protect you against mistakes or faults in title search, forgery, undisclosed mortgage, impersonation or missing property deeds. These mistakes can later threaten your own ownership.

Why do you need it?

Protecting your investment: A real estate property transaction involves a substantial investment. A threat to the property title will jeopardize your ownership and investment. With protection from Parkland title insurance company, you will be able to recover any loss you may suffer due to a threat against the title.

Protecting the lender’s interest: Sometimes it is the lender who insists that you buy the insurance. Any danger to your ownership also threatens the lender’s investment. Through the title insurance, the lender can ensure that his investment is also protected.

Legal protection: If another party takes you to court to stake a claim, the title insurance shows that you bought the property with a clear record. It will also cover your legal costs.

Title search: A Parkland title insurance company also offers title search services. Although you can access title history through the public records, sometimes there are omissions. An insurance company has the resources to run a thorough title search to find out if there are any liens against the property.